Friday 29th November - Night Hike contact John Byrne on 086 277 2633.
Sunday 1st December - .Easy Hike in the Blackstairs, contact Tony Haughney on 087 250 2158.
Wednesday 26th November - Night Hike contact Barry Delaney on 086 109 8244. Friday 29th November - Night Hike contact John Byrne on 086 277 2633. Sunday 1st December - .Easy Hike in the Blackstairs, contact Tony Haughney on 087 250 2158. Blackstairs today. Low level hike today due to weather in the Blackstairs led by Micheal.
Wednesday 20th November - Night Hike contact Martin Kavanagh on 087 2537088. Friday 22nd November - Night Hike contact John Byrne on 086 277 2633. Sunday 24th November - .Medium Hike in the Comeraghs, contact Micheal Brennan on 086 602 7838. Enjoying thte view in the Blaackstairs. From last Sundays hike in the Blackstairs led by John, started at the Nine Stones taking in Mount Leinster, Crannagh Mountain, Tomduff and Slievebawn. Photos taken by Bernie & Dennis.
Wednesday 13th November - Night Hike contact Micheal Brennan on 087 648 2050. Friday 15th November - Night Hike contact John Byrne on 086 277 2633. Sunday 17th November - .Medium Hike in the Blackstairs, contact John Fitzgerald on 086 346 2957. Looking into Com Tae in the Comeraghs. Click We set off from Cuteen to ascend the eastern flanks of Com Èaga & Com Lartuis to summit Farbreaga. From here we stayed on the ridge, stopping at the stone enclosure & white stone man . We managed to get some glimpses of the Araglin valley on our left & Tay Valley on our right through the occasional fog lift. As we approached Seefin the highest point of our hike 726m the fog lifted, the sun came out along with the midges. The Temperature hit 14c & not a breeze . We squelched through the next leg of the hike to Com Tae through difficult underfoot boggy terrain. From Com Tae we descended the steep spur between Coumtay Glen & Com Chnocàin appreciating the fine views of the valley’s below whilst returning to Cutteen.
Wednesday 76st November - Night Hike contact Barry Delaney on 086 109 8244. Friday 1st November - Night Hike contact John Byrne on 086 277 2633. Sunday 3rd November - .Medium Hike in the Comeraghs, contact Nuala on 086 602 7838. One of the Beech trees down in Ballycrystall, quiet overcast day with poor visability. Sundays easy hike in the Blackstairs led by Lily, starting in Ballycrystall taking in Stoney Top, Mount Leinster and back to start via the Turf Cutters, photos taken by Lily & Andrew.
Wednesday 31st October - Night Hike contact Barry Delaney on 086 109 8244. Friday 1st November - Night Hike contact John Byrne on 086 277 2633. Sunday 3rd November - .Easy Hike in the Blackkstairas, contact Lily on 087 6681312. At Art's Lough, Glenmalure, Wicklow From yesterdays hike in Wicklow led by Ann, started in Glenmalure and photos taken by Catherine & Ann.
Wednesday 23rd October - Night Hike contact Barry Delaney on 086 109 8244. Friday 25th October - Night Hike contact John Byrne on 086 277 2633. Sunday 27th October - .Medium Hike in Wicklow, contact Ann on 087 871 2318, leaving at Barrack St., at 09.00 View of Blackstairs from the Gowlin Rd. Started out assending Blackstairs but had to change plan due to high winds to Gowlin Woods where we visited Ryans Cottage, photos taken by Adrian, Nuala and Lily.
Wednesday 16th October - Night Hike contact Barry Delaney on 086 109 8244. Friday 18th October - Night Hike contact John Byrne on 086 277 2633. Sunday 20th October - .Medium Hike the Blackstairs, contact Adrian on 087 915 0383. Lovely Autumn colours on Tonelagee, Wicklow today. From todays hike in Wicklow, starting in the Wicklow Gap, assendingTonelagee and then taking in Stoney Top, Lough Ouler, Brockagh and back to the start via St Kevin's Way. Photos taken by Nualy & Lily.
Tullow Mountaineering Club: Events from Monday the 7th October 2024 to Sunday the 13th October 2024.8/10/2024 Wednesday 9th October - Night Hike contact Barry Delaney on 086 109 8244. Friday 11th October - Night Hike contact John Byrne on 086 277 2633. Sunday 13th October - .Medium Hike the Comeraghs, contact Nuala on 086 602 7838. One of the fabulous views in the Blackstairs taken last weekend at the Carlow Walking Festival Photos from a very enjoyable and successfull Carlow Walking Festival at weekend, a busy weekend including a Night Hike on Friday, A & B Hikes on Saturday & Sunday, thanks to the various leaders and photos supplied by Michael, Nuala, Pat, Corina & Andrew.
Wednesday 2nd October - Night Hike contact Barry Delaney on 086 109 8244.
Friday 4th October - No Scheduled hike as the Carlow Walking Festival starts. Sunday 6th October - No scheduled hike as its the last day of the Carlow Walking Festival. Wednesday 25th September - Night Hike contact Barry Delaney on 086 109 8244. Friday 27th September - Night Hike contact John Byrne on 086 277 2633. Sunday 29th September - Medium Hike in Sliabh Na Mban, contact John on 086 277 2633, meeting in Barrack St., Carlow at 08.30 Preparing some of the access routes on the Blackstairs for the Carlow walking festival. Thanks to all for the help, photos taken by Nuala & Geraldine
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