Friday 26th May - Night Hike contact John Byrne on 086 2772633.
Sunday 28th May - Medium Hike in Wicklow contact TJ Roche on 087 6449802.
Wednesday 24th May - Evening Hike contact Barry Delaney on 086 1098244. Friday 26th May - Night Hike contact John Byrne on 086 2772633. Sunday 28th May - Medium Hike in Wicklow contact TJ Roche on 087 6449802. Looking down to the Boolas in the Comeraghs. Photos from Michael Curly s hike in the Comeraghs, starting.from Curraheen Farmhouse, photos supplied by Bernie & Padraig.
Wednesday 31st May - Evening Hike contact Barry Delaney on 086 1098244. Friday 2nd June - Night Hike contact John Byrne on 086 2772633. Sunday 4th June - Medium Hike in the Blackstairs starting at Konckmulgurry, contact Tony Haughney on 087 2502158. Nice lunch spot in Wicklow Mountains From yesterdays hike led by TJ, Church Mountain, Lobawn, Corriebracks 18k and 750 assent. Taken br Tony and Michael.
Wednesday 10th May - Evening Hike contact Barry Delaney on 086 1098244. Friday 12th May - Night Hike contact John Byrne on 086 2772633. Sunday 14th May - Medium Hike in the Comeraghs contact Michael Curley on 086 1029439. A lovely sunny Friday evening hike on Lugnquilla. Photos from John Byrne's Friday evening hike and Saturday hike in the Blackstairs last month, 25km with greater than 1200m assent which started at the Corrabut Gap, taken by Michael Curley.
Wednesday 10th May - Evening Hike contact Barry Delaney on 086 1098244. Friday 12th May - Night Hike contact John Byrne on 086 2772633. Sunday 14th May - Medium Hike in Wicklow contact Barry on 086 1098244. View of Knockroe & Blackstairs from Stoney Top. Photos from Des's hike in the Blackstairs last Sunday, starting at Dwyers (Silage Bales), up the splits to Mountleinster and stopping for lunch at Knockroe. We then made our way back taking in Cloroge Mor & Cloroge Beag.
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